Gender, Justice and Beyond, a platform dedicated to exploring and advancing gender justice, diversity, and inclusion. Powered by the insights and experience of the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR), our blog dives into the ways that gender transformation is vital to creating equitable societies free from violence and exclusion.
At CSVR, our Gender Programme integrates gender justice into every aspect of our work. We believe that achieving meaningful gender justice is not just a standalone initiative, it is a part of our lived realities. From trauma-informed mental health and psychosocial support to rigorous research and advocacy, we commit to ensuring that women, girls, boys, men, and gender-nonconforming individuals are considered at every stage of our interventions.
Our work in GBV focuses on understanding the lived experiences of survivors and creating impactful interventions to prevent future occurrences. We also collaborate with NGOs and CBOs to ensure holistic support for survivors, emphasizing coordinated, survivor-centred care.
Empowerment networks offer safe, supportive spaces for women from all backgrounds to share experiences, foster resilience, and uplift each other. Our “healing and empowerment circles” allow women to connect, reflect, and strategize solutions to their challenges.
Strengthening gender-sensitive responses is a core part of our mission. We conduct workshops and training sessions for organizations, equipping stakeholders with the tools and frameworks they need to create, monitor, and evaluate gender-transformative interventions.
Join us as we explore the complexities of gender and diversity, share resources, and amplify voices advocating for an inclusive world. Together, we can continue working towards a future where gender justice is the foundation of peace and equality.
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